In order to tackle acne-prone skin, you first need to understand why this outbreak ails you. Acne is a result of hair follicles congested with oil and the build-up of dead skin cells. These affect the tissues and cavities, thus resulting in an acne outbreak.
Our expert consultants and NatraBella will proficiently diagnose and identify the root cause of the problem and help you develop a holistic approach of treatment and diet to add the nutrition as well as expel all impurities from your skin. This consultation will also help you understand what does and does not work for your skin.
This targeted face treatment for acne uses alpha and beta hydroxyl acids along with anti-inflammatory components that help remove all lesions caused by acne. The chemical peel acts as a healer on the skin to eradicate all manners of oils and dead-skin build-up, thus clearing the abrasions and curing the skin.
Please note that this treatment is only available with a purchase of our home skincare products as the process must not be halted. You need to continue using our products and follow the skincare routine in order to rid your acne breakouts for good.
Acne is also inflicted upon those with dry skin problems. The oils and dead skin cells block the pores and follicles, thus preventing an equal balance of essential nutrients on your face, which results in an outbreak. For dry skin, face treatments for acne require hydrating the skin and normalizing its overall texture and tonality.
Some people have sensitive skin or dry skin, which makes it difficult to find fitting skincare products. Thus this treatment is extremely helpful to hydrate the skin with specialized products that work best for your skin type. It is also ideal that you follow a stringent skincare routine with our best skincare products that will enable you to maintain the level of hydration and prevent outbreaks of acne.
Acne is a sly enemy that doesn't just affect your face but pops out on your arms, chest, back, and neck as well. A primal solution to deal with this formidable enemy is a chemical peel. What it does is the chemical exfoliates the skin and peels off the outer layer that contains all the preventive layer of build-up. Once the chemical peel is removed, a new layer of healthier and cleaner skin appears, which is also smoother and more radiant. However, this new skin is very sensitive to sunlight, so you must take special care to keep it covered with a high SPF sunscreen and comfortable fabric in the initial stages.
People of color have a hard time finding the right laser treatment that can address the needs of their special skin types. Neo Clear laser is the optimum solution, and NatraBella swears by it to treat acne on tanned and colored skin.
This laser is highly adept at eliminating the causes of acne, such as excessive production of sebum, skin inflammations, and removes the p.acnes bacteria that infest the crevices of your skin. The Neo Clear laser treatment is the ultimate solution to cleanse your skin and clear out acne from all parts of your body.